API Coatzacoalcos, 100% trained institution: INAI
Enero 07, 2020.
The National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data granted the Administration Portuaria Integral de Coatzacoalcos, S.A. de C.V., the endorsement of the recognitions as “100% Qualified Institution” as well as that of “100% Qualified Transparency Committee”.
This distinction is the result of the validation process carried out by the General Directorate of Training of the INAI, and ratifies the vocation of the public servants who are in charge of the entity in terms of transparency and training.
The endorsement confirms that the actions of the public servants involved adhere to the three basic components of the culture of transparency that are: Commitment, Effort and Disposition. This creates a synergy that drives the movement towards transparency within the institution.
In the letter: INAI / RMC / 58/2019 sent to the Director General of APICOA, Mr. Antonio Luna Rosales, the Commissioner President of INAI, Mr. Francisco Javier Acuña Llamas and the Coordinating Commissioner of the Training and Culture Commission of the Transparency, Lic. Rosendoevgueni Monterrey Chepov state that “we are pleased to reiterate our recognition for the commitment, effort and willingness to carry out actions that reflect a great institutional work in favor of the culture of transparency, access to information and accountability."