Puerto Coatzacoalcos, trains its staff on Civil Protection strategies

Coatzacoalcos, April 28, 2016.

Puerto Coatzacoalcos, capacita a su personal en estrategias de P.C.

As part of the guidelines that the Ministry of Communications and Transport has referred and in order to promote the culture of civil protection, from 25 to 29 April will be held a series of conferences, which are intended to instruct the entity staff to minimize the risks of an incident in and out of work areas.

Ing. Pedro Acuña Fernandez, Deputy Port Security (UIPC), has unveiled through multimedia presentations, the basics of emergency organization as meeting place in case of emergency, entrances and exits from the port, identifying companies that could pose a risk in case of an accident, among others.

He also presented, the Internal Civil Protection Unit (UIPC), which is the operational body, responsible for developing and directing the actions of Civil Protecion, this is integrated by the General Managers of Administration and Finance, Marketing , Operations and heads of departments.

The UIPC performs the following actions:
• Responsible for promoting and confirm the brigades of Civil Protection.
• Coordinates evacuation drill exercises.
• Identify the hazards and assesses the risks to which the property is exposed.
• Establishes policies and safety standards for the workplace.
• Supports the training of personnel that integrates the brigades.

With these actions, Puerto Coatzacoalcos, Mexico Leader in total cargo, maintains its high standards on Civil Protection and Security.
Puerto Coatzacoalcos, capacita a su personal en estrategias de P.C.