Outbreak of fire at the Port of Coatzacoalcos

Coatzacoalcos, May 27, 2014.
Today morning, at the dock 7 of the Port of Coatzacoalcos, there was an outbreak of fire, as part of the untie operation of the wind pieces on the top of the forward hold of the B/M Atlantic Borg ship.

Outbreak of fire at the Port of Coatzacoalcos

Preliminary reports indicate that the probable cause, that the fire was caused by a molten metal breaststroke, which probably slipped between the opening in the floor, starting the fire in the latter winery.

Immediately the fire body of the port launched the relevant emergency plan to prevent the fire from spreading, the small space at the entrance to the winery made dificult to drive the actions; so the team opted to get water for the same openings between gates and floor, which was necessary for the support of the B/R "CORSAIR" and "MARIACHI" of Compañía Marítima Mexicana; this strategy quickly flooded the bottom of the cellar, drowning the origin of the fire.

With the support of the Secretary of the Navy team, proceeded to review the lower holds to ensure that there were no hot spots, in hours of 10:13, the event was declared controlled .

No major damage to the ship and crew are reported, as well as the staff responsible for discharge ashore.

Outbreak of fire at the Port of Coatzacoalcos