API Coatzacoalcos, acquires safe hydrodynamic signaling, for its main navigation channel
March 16, 2012
The Coatzacoalcos Port Authority continues with the modernization program of maritime signaling, with the acquisition of 5 buoys hydrodynamic design for high-speed streams.
During the rainy season of 2010, in Coatzacoalcos was recorded a rainfall of 411.9 mm in 24 hours, unprecedented situation that caused the current Coatzacoalcos River to reach speeds of 13 knots, causing the loss of most buoys the east bank of the river.
In order to prevent from recurring situations like this, the Port of Coatzacoalcos executed two different strategies, to adjust the maritime signaling and ensure safety of navigation within the main channel.
The first consisted of acquisition and installation of 5 buoys hydrodynamic design, for which we evaluated the designs of the leading manufacturers in the market, considering factors such as size, weight, ease of operation and maintenance; because the above, Insolar Group, S.A. de C.V. was awarded. They were responsible for supplying and installing the following equipment: fast currents buoy mobilis trackless, 2 meters long by 0.90 meters wide, with 2 meters tower, with a range of light of 3.5 nautical miles.
The second implemented strategy was the installation of concrete blocks, better known as "deads", that serve as anchors to buoys. This work consisted of anchoring piles to a depth of 6 meters above the seabed at an average distance of 1.50 meters from the "dead" and then the concrete block are chained to a steel pipe 20 inches in diameter. This procedure will prevent the strong currents to drag the signaling and its complement.
This is part of a project that covers the replacement of all buoys in the main navigation channel; with this type of actions the Port of Coatzacoalcos, "Mexico's leader in bulk cargo", guarantees the safety of all boats that run daily operations at the Port.

During the rainy season of 2010, in Coatzacoalcos was recorded a rainfall of 411.9 mm in 24 hours, unprecedented situation that caused the current Coatzacoalcos River to reach speeds of 13 knots, causing the loss of most buoys the east bank of the river.
In order to prevent from recurring situations like this, the Port of Coatzacoalcos executed two different strategies, to adjust the maritime signaling and ensure safety of navigation within the main channel.
The first consisted of acquisition and installation of 5 buoys hydrodynamic design, for which we evaluated the designs of the leading manufacturers in the market, considering factors such as size, weight, ease of operation and maintenance; because the above, Insolar Group, S.A. de C.V. was awarded. They were responsible for supplying and installing the following equipment: fast currents buoy mobilis trackless, 2 meters long by 0.90 meters wide, with 2 meters tower, with a range of light of 3.5 nautical miles.
The second implemented strategy was the installation of concrete blocks, better known as "deads", that serve as anchors to buoys. This work consisted of anchoring piles to a depth of 6 meters above the seabed at an average distance of 1.50 meters from the "dead" and then the concrete block are chained to a steel pipe 20 inches in diameter. This procedure will prevent the strong currents to drag the signaling and its complement.
This is part of a project that covers the replacement of all buoys in the main navigation channel; with this type of actions the Port of Coatzacoalcos, "Mexico's leader in bulk cargo", guarantees the safety of all boats that run daily operations at the Port.