Promotion Day of the Port of Coatzacoalcos in Mexico City

November 18 2011, Coatzacoalcos, Ver.

Promotion Day of the Port of Coatzacoalcos in Mexico City As part of its business strategy and in order to provide better logistics alternatives for the first time, the Port Authority of Coatzacoalcos carried out a promotion day in Mexico City. The event was organized in coordination with CG Railway business, Ferrosur and Representaciones Marítimas, focused on potential customers for the service of ferrobuque.

Faced with 37 representatives of companies based in the capital, Mr. Gilberto Rios Ruiz, Director General of the API Coatzacoalcos, presented the competitive advantages offered by the port in its wide area of influence, as well as terminals, facilities and services with wich counts, making emphasis on ferrobuque service, cargo destined for the Gulf Coast and eastern United States.

The Commercial Vice President of CG Railway, George A. Nahas, gave an interesting presentation on the past and present of ferrobuque services, which was of great interest, thus getting direct contact with participants, all with the goal of attracting more commercial movement to the port.

So far this year, ferrobuque service has been used for 14 new companies, which already know the benefits of the service.

Thus, the Port of Coatzacoalcos offers opportunities for development and growth for new commercial needs. In addition to an excellent strategic position in the Gulf of Mexico, this way we keep on strengthening the growth of the Port of Coatzacoalcos Mexico ... Leader in bulk cargo.