API Coatzacoalcos, entity "Free Educational Backwardness"

Mexico, D.F. February 28, 2011

As part of the delivery of Federal awards to public institutions in a joint effort, the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA), the Secretary for the Civil Service and Secretary of Education, declare this entity "Free Educational Backwardness. "

Derived from a census conducted by the INEA and CONEVyT in the institutions of the Federal Public Administration, which showed some aspects of educational backwardness in the staff surveyed, in 2007 starts the project "The Good Judge begins at home" in which each institution is encouraging people from its organization to complete their studies.

The Port Authority, concerned on reducing the educational gap levels, existing in the people who work in the organization, decided to give chance to start, continue or complete their education at the elementary and middle levels to employees who required it, getting positive response. In this context and under a flexible scheme, continues to support its employees to complete their high school studies.

The Port of Coatzacoalcos ... Bulk cargo leader in Mexico, is committed with its staff, stimulating the training, and bringing them tools to facilitate their professional development, as well as enhancing their quality of life and their families.

API Coatzacoalcos, entidad “Libre de Rezago Educativo”